Bible Studies
Growing in His Word
Join us as we continue to grow in the knowledge of our Savior
Use the form below to sign up for one or more of our weekly Fall Bible Classes. Class descriptions are on the right. If you have trouble signing up, email Alice or call her at 623-937-2010 ext. 301.
This is our Bible Information Class which covers the basics of Christianity and the doctrines of our church. It is intended for prospective members as well as current members who might want a refresher. It is held on four Saturdays from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. A light breakfast and lunch are served. The series of four Super Saturdays are scheduled twice each year, first in January – April and again in September – December, one Saturday per month for four consecutive months.
Taught by Pastor Jacobson
Every Sunday in Room 1
A study on how Christians might better express what they believe. Based on Dr. Mark Paustian’s books “Prepared to Answer” and “More Prepared to Answer.” You do not need these books for the class.
Begins on September 12th
Taught by Pastor Clark
Every Sunday in the Fellowship Hall
Joshua leads the children of Israel into the Promised Land with special applications about our lives here and our goal of heaven.
Begins on September 12th
Taught by Pastor Clark
Every Tuesday at 2:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall
Have you ever felt unprepared to talk about today’s hot-button issues from a Christian perspective? Do you wish you could be better equipped to defend why you believe what you do when your faith is challenged, and yet do it in a loving way? Our upcoming study, Timely Topics, Timeless Truths, will equip you with biblical truths for engaging in challenging issues with your family, friends, and coworkers. We will dig into such topics as Intelligent Design, Global Warming, Gender Identity, and many more.
Begins on September 7th
Taught by Pastor Jacobson
Every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall
“They will know I am the Lord” is found some 65 times in this prophecy. The character of God as tough on sin and rich in mercy is unforgettably impressed on the reader. Some home reading and study assignments will help the student better understand what some have called the most difficult prophecy.
Begins on September 8th
Taught by Pastor Siegler
Every Friday at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall
A study of the New Testament book that emphasizes justification by faith and the grace God has shown to all of us.
Begins on September 10th